So I recently decided to further customise my desktop environment, I am using KDE btw. the biggest thing i have learned is that the documentation for a lot of the process just doesn't exist or is incredibly lacking.
First up in my desktop experience was my Firefox theme which i had made a few weeks prior and kinda inspired me to make my own themes, Firefox was so easy to customise, if you are interested in it I highly recommend this extension: Firefox color. Also if you are interested in my one then its on my github.
So next up was a continuation on Firefox which as of writing this is still a work in progress but it is a personal start page, currently hung up on relearning inkscape as I for some reason want my icons to be vectors. For those not in the know a vector or .svg is an image file that uses maths to display it and therefore can be scaled to whatever you want without distorting.(That's a massively simplified description but its correct enough.)
I then decided to be difficult and make my own plasma style, this was maybe harder than it needed to be due mainly to me being a little slow that day and not realising that common colours in the colour themes where common colours cherry picked from the other sections such as buttons and header. Speaking of header if you want to make your own colour theme and colours aren't behaving then open the .color file and remove the header section. Mine was found here:
Oh and the plasma styles are found here:
My plasma style heavily relied on my custom colour theme so there is where you should start, as far as I can tell changes made to the colour theme inside of your plasma style are only for things that effect it, for example the buttons in the style are different from in my colour theme. The style effects things like the application menu and such where as the colour theme is everything else.
Moving forward I will try to relearn inkscape or give in and just use gimp (Although i have to learn that too as I am more of a photoshop person). I do plan on using Spicetify to theme my spotify but of course I will make my own theme or at least adapt a theme to my liking. I have also been working on my own Konsole theme but that's still being tweaked. I will keep this site updated with my progress and here are some screenshots of what my system looks like so far....